Hey I'm working on a math assignment and I'm trying to work out the total amount of rainfall that fell in a certain area. Would this formula be correct?

Total rainfall = rainfall mm x duration of storm minutes x area covered

And with my rainfall mm I change it out so instead of 1mm cubed it is 1mm x1mm x 1mm?


4 answers

Also, sorry, if I already HAVE the total rainfall and I'm solving for the rainfall mm but I don't need the duration of the storm would this formula be ok?

Total rainfall = rainfall mm x area covered
Your "total rainfall" will represent the volume of water that fell in the particular area covered. If the final answer is to be in cubic metres, then the rainfall in mm has to be divided by 1000 to convert it to metres.
Thanks! Ermm what if I have the 'total rainfall' in KL?
A KL is a kilo-litre, or 1000 litres, which is the same capacity as m³.