Hey! I need someone to check my answers real quick for these questions!
How are fossil fuels formed?
A. They are formed from the metamorphosis of rocks deep underneath the ground.
B. They are formed from the remains of organisms that were buried and altered over millions of years. (I picked this one)
C. They are formed from hydrocarbons that react with oxygen.
D. They are formed from the decomposition of organisms that have just died.
Next question:
(Blank) is a colorless and odorless radioactive gas that is formed naturally by certain underground rocks.
A. Sewage
B. Sediment
C. Leachate
D. Radon (I picked this one)
Alright, last question I need checked:
To help reduce water pollution when disposing of household chemicals such as motor oil, you should
A. Pour them in storm drains.
B. Dump them over a hill far away from town.
C. Put them out with other trash.
D. Take used oil to a recycling center that collects used oil. (I picked this one)
Thank you!
1 answer