Hey guys. So in science class I recently covered the Big Bang etc. I don't really believe that stuff because I'm a Christian (no hate plz) and I was just hoping someone could explain to me where the atheist view ends and the Christian one begins.

11 answers

First of all, Christianity and science are NOT opposites. Many scientists are Christian. But belief in Christianity does not depend upon believing all of the myths in the Old Testament.

Well, personally, I don't think the Big Bang happened. As a Christian, I believe God made everything and everyone. But, not everyone believes the same thing.
Thanks, but my computer deemed that site unsafe, so I'm not gonna read that article. I do agree that science and Christianity do go together, but atheist and Christian scientists do disagree on some points. Also, i do believe the "myths" in the Old Testament, thank you very much. Maybe it'd be easier for a fellow Christian to explain (no offence).
Thanks Cardinary. Btw my last reply was in response to Ms. Sue.
Your welcome.
You're** haha. xD
I was just hoping for a more detailed explanation? Like, according to Christian beliefs, did the solar system form the way my science textbook explained it or not? That kind of thing.
Ah, well, bouncing off from what I said earlier; God just made them. Simple as that. They just existed all of a sudden when God created them.
Ok, thx Cardinary.
This is unbelievable, to me. Such levels of ignorance. God did not intend to make idiots, even from ribs.
Look, we all have our own opinions, but that was completely uncalled for. God created everything that exists, but not everyone believes that, Christian or not.