For the first part I edited my work from the previous time I posted.
For the second and third part I need help seeing if I answered the questions correctly and if my grammar and wording is proper.
1.For the movie, who are the main characters?
#1-The movie's main characters are Ella, Prince Charmont, Lucinda, Dame Olga, Hattie, Olive, Mandy, Slannen, Sir Edgar and Areida.
2.What sort of people are the main characters? Describe their personalities
#2- Ella was the main character, and basically all the conflicts in the movie involved her. Ella was gifted an obedience gift, in her childhood by a misguided fairy. When Ella grew she wanted to find the fairy, and request her to take back her horrible spell.
Lucinda was the misguided fairy that gave Ella the obedience gift. It was a terrible gift because Ella obeyed anything people told her to do; even if it was dangerous or bad like stealing or killing.
Sir peter was Ella's father who sold watches. Sir peter didn’t treat Ella bad. He was a good kind character in the film.
Mandy was the house hold, and fairy. Mandy was a caring character to Ella, and treated Ella as if she was her daughter. Mandy was the only character after Ella's mother that knew about the obedience spell.
Mandy had a boyfriend; He was a magical cursed book named Benny (that was actually a normal human but cursed as a book) that can give pictures of where anybody can be; but couldn’t give the name of the place they were in.
Mandy gave the magical book to Ella and it helped her find Lucinda
Dame Olga was Ella's step mother. She was jealous of Ella, and treated her horribly.
Hattie and Olive were Ella's step sisters. They were both evil and mistreated Ella.
Areida was Ella's best friend that grew with her.
Slannen was an elf that wanted to become a lawyer. Ella met Slannen in the woods when she was looking for Lucinda.
Prince Charmont was the nice good prince that every girl was obsessed with.
Prince Charmont hated the whole crown prince thing where girls chased him around. His parents passed away and he was raised by his uncle Sir Edgar.
Sir Edgar was Charmont's uncle who wanted the crown for himself.
3.What is the conflict in the movie? Be sure to discuss all the conflicts.
The first conflict of the story is Ella was gifted an obedience gift; that forces her to obey, anything people obey her to do. Second conflict is Ella's mother gets sick and past away. Ella's father was growing poor and needed money. He decided to marry this rich lady. The conflict now is between Ella and her step mother, and her two evil step sisters that were taking advantage of her making her work and clean for them.
Ella falls in love with prince Charmont. The conflict now is between Ella and Sir Edgar (Charmont's uncle) that found out about Ella's spell and ordered her to kill the prince so he can take the crown for himself.
So the conflicts were between Lucinda and Ella, step mother and sisters against Ella, and Sir Edgar against Ella and Charmont.
What is the climax of the movie?
The climax of the movie is when Ella rushes to save prince Charmont from the poisoned crown his uncle was giving him.
What is the resolution of the movie?
#5- Ella and Charmont get married and live happily ever after.
For the first version of the folktale (or for one of your historical source;;;;pitt.edu/~dash/type0510a.html#perrault
For the folktale, who are the main characters?
The Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper, main characters are Cinderella, her step sister, step mother, father, god mother, and prince.
What sort of people are the main characters? Describe their personalities
#7- Cinderella was a sweet kind hearted character. Cinderella was mistreated by her step sisters and step mother. Cinderella was unjustly mistreated by her step mother and step sisters in the story; she worked as a made. She cleans and does all the house duties alone
Cinderella's step mother and stepsisters; were mean, and snooty. Cinderella's step sisters were exactly like their mother in everything. They were haughty and carried jealousy in their heart.
Cinderella's father wasn’t mean to her in the story, but he was a character that was completely governed by his second evil wife.
Cinderella's god mother was a sweetheart godmother. She helped Cinderella go to the ball and show her beauty to the village, and she was one of the reasons Cinderella married the charming prince she deserved.
The prince was a charming prince that every young lady in the village wished to marry.
#8- What is the conflict in the story? Be sure to discuss all the conflicts.
#8- The first conflict was between Cinderella, her step mother and step sisters; that employed her as a maid in the house.
Second conflict was the king's son gave a ball and Cinderella wanted to go but, her step sisters of course disagreed.
#9-What is the climax of the story?
#9- The climax of the story is when Cinderella's step sisters found out she was the beautiful lady that was in the ball, and asked for forgiveness.
#10What is the resolution of the story?
The resolution of the story is Cinderella was taken to the prince. The prince married Cinderella, and Cinderella matched her two sisters with two great lords of the court.
#11-How would you categorize this folktale according to what you discovered in Lesson 9?
#11- I would categorize it as a fairytale.
For the second version of the folktale (or for another of your historical sources;;;;;pitt.edu/~dash/type0510a.html#perrault
12.For the folktale, who are the main characters?
#12- The Cinderella Germany version by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, main characters are Cinderella, Cinderella's father, Cinderella's step mother, Cinderella's step sisters, Cinderella's mother, prince, and pigeons.
What sort of people are the main characters? Describe their personalities.
Cinderella was a sweet hearted young girl. Her mother was also kind as she was. before her mother passed away she devised Cinderella to plant a tree next to her grave and shake it when ever she was in need. Cinderella was mistreated by her step mother and step sisters after her mothers' death.
Cinderella's father was a rich man, the story didn’t say much more about him but he use to live happily with Cinderella and her mother.
Cinderella's step mother and sisters were beautiful looking but evil hearted; they carried jealousy and hate towards Cinderella. They made Cinderella their maid that cooked and cleaned for them.
The prince was a charming prince that all young ladies wished to marry.
The pigeons helped Cinderella when her step sisters were at the ball. They reminded her about the tree her mother told her about.
14-What is the conflict in the story? Be sure to discuss all the conflicts.
14- Cinderella mother died her father marries an evil woman that had two evil daughters. The first conflict was between Cinderella her step mother and step sisters; that employed her as the house maid.
The prince had a ball Cinderella like every girl wanted to attend the ball but, off course her step sisters disagreed. The pigeons told her to go to the little tree on her mother's grave, shake it, and wish her self some beautiful clothes. The conflict now is she had to be home before midnight. So time and Cinderella were the conflict.
Last conflict was Cinderella dropped her slipper when rushing out the ball.
The main conflict in this whole story is Cinderella vs. her step mother and her two evil step sisters.
15-What is the climax of the story?
The climax of the story is when the prince handed Cinderella the golden slipper to try and it fit her perfectly. The prince said" This is the right bride."
16-What is the resolution of the story?
16- The prince takes Cinderella away to his castle and the pigeons called out:
Rook di goo, rook di goo!
No blood's in the shoe.
The shoe's not too tight,
This bride is right!
17-How would you categorize this folktale according to what you discovered in Lesson 9?
17- I categorize it as a fairytale.
5 answers
Make a decision about this while I check through the rest. Revise and re-post just 1 & 2 when you're ready.
This is very awkward and strangely phrased in places. Revise like this:
The first conflict of the story is when Ella was given an obedience gift, something that forces her to obey other people.
Now go through all the other sentences in section 3.
Once I see corrections in sections 1, 2, and 3, I'll consider the rest.
#1-The movie's main characters are Ella, Prince Charmont,Mandy,Slannen,and Areida.
2.What sort of people are the main characters? Describe their personalities
#2- Ella was the main character, and basically all the conflicts in the movie involved her. Ella was gifted an obedience gift, in her childhood by a misguided fairy. When Ella grew she wanted to find the fairy, and request her to take back her horrible spell.
Lucinda was the misguided fairy that gave Ella the obedience gift. It was a terrible gift because Ella obeyed anything people told her to do; even if it was dangerous or bad like stealing or killing.
Mandy was the house hold, and fairy. Mandy was a caring character to Ella, and treated Ella as if she was her daughter. Mandy was the only character after Ella's mother that knew about the obedience spell.
Mandy had a boyfriend; He was a magical cursed book named Benny (that was actually a normal human but cursed as a book) that can give pictures of where anybody can be; but couldn’t give the name of the place they were in.
Mandy gave the magical book to Ella and it helped her find Lucinda.
Areida was Ella's best friend that grew with her.
Slannen was an elf that wanted to become a lawyer. Ella met Slannen in the woods when she was looking for Lucinda.He helped rescue ella when prince Charmont's evil uncle locked her up.
Prince Charmont was the nice good prince that every girl was obsessed with.
Prince Charmont hated the whole crown prince thing where girls chased him around. His parents passed away and he was raised by his uncle Sir Edgar.He saved Ella from the giants in the woods.
He fell in love with Ella and married her in the end of the story.
The first conflict of the story is when Ella was given an obedience gift, something that forces her to obey other people.
After Ella's mother passed away; her father was growing poor and needed money. He decided to marry this rich lady. The conflict now is between Ella and her step mother, and her two evil step sisters; that were taking advantage of her; forcing her to work and clean for them.
Ella falls in love with prince Charmont. The conflict now is between Ella and Sir Edgar (Charmont's uncle). He found out about Ella's spell and ordered her to kill the prince so he can take the crown for himself.
In conclusion the conflicts were between Lucinda vs. Ella, step mother and sisters vs. Ella, and Sir Edgar vs. Ella and Charmont.
Put a space after EVERY comma.
Please PLEASE read your writing aloud to someone. There are far too many errors in here for me to believe you think and speak in such a jumbled fashion.