hey can you tell the compounds names NOT their element names.

2HCL 2H2O 3NiBr2 2AlBr3 3Ni 3O2 2Al2O3 CaCl2 CaF2 AgNO3 KCl AgCl KNO3 2NH3 2H2O2 (NH4)2SO4 Ba(NO3)2 BaSO4 2NH4NO3 MgI2 Br2 MgBr SO3 H2SO4 6KCl Zn3(PO4)2 3ZnCl2 2K3PO4
or at least find me a website to find their names

5 answers

You need to think these out. I will be happy to critique your thinking. The entire point of the assignment was to make you apply the naming rules...not to look up the names.
No thay said some of these i have to look up their names since i don't konw really SO3 means i think Sulfuric Oxide
umm if you go on google you can find itt
ya if you go to google and type the elements names it should be good
i ment there