hey, can you guys check over this and make sure that it does not have any typos or something
#2 : I do believe that children should learn from thier parents. Mrs. Jordan wants parents to teach their children to be tolerent of other beings despite the color of their skin or the native tongue that they speak. She belives that parents should be an example for their kids. I can tell that she belives this because she said a statement that represents this. " What we need now is soul force—the efforts of people working on a small scale to build a truly tolerant, harmonious society. And parents can do a great deal to create that tolerant society." This statement concludes that she believes in our parents to teach their kids manners and how to be tolerent of others. Chlidren can learn from their parents by just the simple act of watching their parents invite a new neighbor for dinner even if they are hispanic or african american or a different race as you. Parents and teachers can teach kids to be open to everyone's ideas eventhough you don't agree with them. That is an example of true tolerence. Parents may teacher their child to have a friend that is of a different race as you. I believe and agree with Ms. Jordan that parents should teach their kids to be accepting of others and be respectful of their beliefs.
4 answers
<<This statement concludes that she believes in our parents to teach their kids manners and how to be tolerent of others.>> Why are you restating what you just quoted?
<<Chlidren can learn from their parents by just the simple act of watching their parents invite a new neighbor for dinner even if they are hispanic or african american or a different race as you. Parents and teachers can teach kids to be open to everyone's ideas eventhough you don't agree with them. >> reword, these two sentences are just awful. Children learn by watching and listening to parents in their behaviour and statements to and about...
<<Parents may teacher their child to have a friend that is of a different race as you>> Amplify. Parents can teach RESPECT for others, not dependent on friendship.
Summary: A lot of what you wrote is good, but needs to be reworded to fit more general situations, You can do that on your own.