Hey, can someone please proofread my Spanish? Thanks.

SPANISH: La decisión mejor de mi vida fue de venir a la Universidad de la Carolina del Sur de Chapel Hill para el colegio. Tomé la decisión en abril, pero la decisión no fue fácil. Cuándo yo obtuve mis cartas de la aceptación de todos los colegios que apliqué a, estreché mi decisión a UNC y Clemson. La mayor parte de mis amigos fueron a Clemson, y Clemson fue mucho más cerca a mi hogar que UNC. Después de que mucho pensamiento, yo hubiera decidido ir a UNC. Mis padres fueron útiles en escoger para ir a UNC. Ellos me permitieron ir a UNC aunque lo fuera más costoso. Escogí UNC porque es muy conocido para su académico y la vida social. ¡También, el equipo de baloncesto es realmente bueno! En los pasados pocos meses, yo he gozado UNC. También, tengo a muchos maestros buenos que hacen la diversión de clases. Seré médico en el futuro y UNC tiene una gran facultad de medicina. Ir a un colegio primero como UNC me ayudará llego a facultad de medicina si continúo mantenerse al ritmo de mis grados. Tendré que tomar una decisión en el futuro acerca de cuál facultad de medicina que quiero ir a. He tenido mucha diversión en Chapel Hill y yo espero los próximos tres años.

ENGLISH: The best decision of my life was to come to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for college. I made the decision in April, but the decision was not easy. When I got my acceptance letters from all of the colleges that I applied to, I narrowed my decision to UNC and Clemson. Most of my friends went to Clemson, and Clemson was much closer to my home than UNC. After much thinking, I had decided to go to UNC. My parents were helpful in choosing to go to UNC. They allowed me to go to UNC even though it was more expensive. I chose UNC because it is well-known for its academics and the social life. Also, the basketball team is really good! In the past few months, I have enjoyed UNC. Also, I have a lot of good teachers that make classes fun. I will be a doctor in the future and UNC has a great medical school. Going to a top college like UNC will help me get to medical school if I continue to keep my grades up. I will have to make a decision in the future about which medical school I want to go to. I have had a lot of fun at Chapel Hill and I am looking forward to the next three years.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The best way to learn is to follow the Proofreading Key below your essay and then look for any errors AFTER the error and (within parentheses.) After you correct everything as best you can, feel free to repost the work for final proofreading. This is assuming you have time before it is due.

Afterwards you should make a "hitlist" of the kinds of errors you ordinarily make. Then each time you write, try your own proofreading FIRST, looking for those kinds of errors.

Posted by JYD on Saturday, November 4, 2006 at 6:17pm.
Hey, can someone please proofread my Spanish? Thanks.

SPANISH: La decisión mejor (CP = "or" comparatives almost always go in front of the noun) de mi vida fue de (not required) venir a la Universidad de la Carolina del Sur de Chapel Hill para el colegio. (voc = "colegio" means high school and NOT college. Try "universidad." or "colegio universitario") Tomé la decisión en abril, pero la decisión no fue fácil. Cuándo (QA = this is not the interrogative word) yo obtuve mis cartas de la aceptación de todos los colegios (voc + gén = todas las universidades) que apliqué a,(MD = bad word order + voc = "a la cual solicité") estreché (voc = limité) mi decisión a UNC y (+ a) Clemson. La mayor parte (MD = how about "La mayoría") de mis amigos fueron a Clemson, y Clemson fue (ser vs. estar) mucho más cerca a mi hogar que UNC. Después de que mucho pensamiento, (** the last 3 words = Después de pensar mucho.....) yo hubiera decidido (qhy Past Perfect? "decidí" is enougn?) ir a UNC. Mis padres fueron útiles en escoger para(**) ir a UNC. Ellos me permitieron ir a UNC aunque lo (** = if you must say "it" it will be a subject pronoun not a direct-object) fuera (why Subjunctive? If you know for sure = era) más costoso. Escogí UNC porque es muy conocido para su (** + lo because the next word is an adjective, not a noun) académico y la vida social. ¡También, el equipo de baloncesto es realmente bueno! En los pasados pocos meses, yo he gozado (or more idiomatically = "me ha gustado") UNC. También, tengo a (** = never personal "a" with the verb "tener.") muchos maestros buenos que hacen la diversión de clases. (** the last 4 words. Always SIMPLIFY what you are saying so it will flow better. The worst think you can do is keep English words in mind! = divertidas las clases.) Seré médico en el futuro y UNC tiene una gran facultad de medicina. Ir a un colegio(** 2 words = voc = a una universidad) primero como UNC me ayudará llego (** + a llegar) a (+ la) facultad de medicina si continúo mantenerse (** + a mantenerme) al ritmo de mis grados. (voc = grades like freshmen, sophomore, etc. = grado BUT grades like A, B, etc. = notas) (OR simply mantenerme buenas notas) Tendré que tomar una decisión en el futuro acerca de (+ a) cuál facultad de medicina que (**) quiero ir a.(MD = ** last 2 words = asistir) He tenido mucha diversión en Chapel Hill y yo espero (+ con placer anticipado) los próximos tres años.

ENGLISH: The best decision of my life was to come to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for college. I made the decision in April, but the decision was not easy. When I got my acceptance letters from all of the colleges that I applied to, I narrowed my decision to UNC and Clemson. Most of my friends went to Clemson, and Clemson was much closer to my home than UNC. After much thinking, I had decided to go to UNC. My parents were helpful in choosing to go to UNC. They allowed me to go to UNC even though it was more expensive. I chose UNC because it is well-known for its academics and the social life. Also, the basketball team is really good! In the past few months, I have enjoyed UNC. Also, I have a lot of good teachers that make classes fun. I will be a doctor in the future and UNC has a great medical school. Going to a top college like UNC will help me get to medical school if I continue to keep my grades up. I will have to make a decision in the future about which medical school I want to go to. I have had a lot of fun at Chapel Hill and I am looking forward to the next three years.

Key to Proofreading Symbols:

ort = ortografía (spelling)
gén = género (gender)
con = concordancia (agreement of subject/verb or subject/adjective or adj/noun)
inf = infinitivo (infinitive required)
núm = número (singular/plural problem)
prep = preposición (preposition required = a, de, en, etc.)
t = tiempo verbal (verb tense)
subj.=subjuntive needed
v = verbo equivocado (wrong verb)
p = puntuación (punctuation correction needed)
voc = vocablo (wrong vocabulary choice)
imp.= imperfect needed
pret .= preterit needed
n/c = no comprendo (not clear what you are trying to say)
/\ = falta una palabra (Missing a word)
/\ /\ /\ = faltan 3 palabras (etc.) (Missing 3 words, etc.)
M/m = cambiar a mayúscula/minúscula (Change to upper or lower case)
CP = cambiar posición de las dos palabras (Change word order)
AE = abrir espacio (Open a space)
CE = cerrar espacio (Close up the space)
QA = quitar acento (Take off accent)
PN = párrafo nuevo (New paragraph)
QP =quitar palabra (Take out/omit word)
AA =añadir un acento (Add an accent)
PG = punto gramatical (Grammatical error) (Specify)
** = borrar (delete) / omit la palabra anterior (Omit the preceding word)
MD = mal dicho (not said well)

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