Can please somebody read and correct this text? I thning that this time it is very bad... But I can't say exactly why... maybe someone of you can help me?
Thanks Minnie
1. What does Cohen point out before giving his seven monster theses?
Before Cohen gives is seven monster theses he points out, that history is not the answer of all questions about monsters. That mean, that we often try to explain why the people tell each other about monsters and why that had written something about it down. Men are cheating their woman? That is because of the Succubus. Children disappear? It must be a kind of vampire that needs young blood. For us this is the solution they need an explanation for something they cannot explain. We can now read something like that out of the writings we had, but that doesn’t mean, that the people meant it that way.
2. Pick one of the theses and try to explain it in your own words.
Thesis VII: The Monster Stands at the Threshold… of Becoming
In this thesis Cohen points out that there will always be monsters in our culture. Even if we forbidden to talk, read and write about them they will come again. But it’s not only that there will always be monsters in our world. They change, they always change in the way of their behavior, they adapt their selves to our world, or we let them adapt themselves to our world. Coven says that we project our world into them, so that we try to understand our world by making monsters which know everything about the world and the humans how living on it. If we have problems for example about culture, religion or sexuality we create monsters, either to come to a solution of our problem or to see why we have a special law. So we do not create monsters just for fun, we create them to point problems out.
1 answer
2. Thesis VII: The Monster Stands at the Threshold… of Becoming
In this thesis (COMMA) Cohen points out that there will always be monsters in our culture. Even if we forbidden to talk, read and write about them (COMMA) they will come again. But it’s not only that there will always be monsters in our world. They change, they always change in the way of their behavior, they adapt thEMselves to our world, or we let them adapt themselves to our world. CoHen says that we project our world into them, so that we try to understand our world by making monsters (COMMA) which know everything about the world and the humans Now living on it. If we have problems for example about culture, religion or sexuality (COMMA) we create monsters, either to come to a solution of our problem or to see why we have a special law. So we do not create monsters just for fun, we create them to point problems out.
You seem to have problems with using commas. This should help.
In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)
If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.
Another option, if it is available on your computer, is to have the computer read it to you.
Also, make use of "Spelling and Grammar" under "Tools" in your word processing program.
Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.