Hexadecimal numbers are not binary numbers. The digits are {0-9,A-F}
while binary numbers have digits {0,1} only.
To add two hex numbers, line up numbers and add digits just like decimal numbers, except that when the sum is below 16, use the hex digits. When the sum is above 16, carry and subtract from 16 for the digit sum.
Note: A=10, B=11, C=12, ... F=15.
5+B=16, carry with nothing left, so 10
So the sum is 10D.
The multiplication can be done as a repeated addition (with shift, as in decimal numbers).
Hexadecimals, binary numbers. It's not regular addition and multiplication.
G. 11112 + 10102 =
H. 1012 x 100012 =
1 answer