here's the question i have to answer about political activists.

What affect do they have, and how are their efforts measured?

so in my answer i still use affect and not effect, right?

I think a lot of the time their affect is to create a strong reaction either positive or negative about the issuse at hand.

I don't know, it may be a dumb question but I figured better ask and be sure then dont' and be wrong.

6 answers

In both sentences the correct word is effect.

Check the definition, especially the usage note near the bottom that discusses affect and effect.
You know, I had the feeling that is what looked so wrong to me in the first place. But, since the questions came from a professor I just assumed they were right. Just goes to show even a teacher can get it wrong. :)

Thanks for the help!
Yep. :-)
It's not a dumb question...

Use "effect" in this case.

Link here:
It is a very common mistake. It is also very easy to miss when proof reading as a) you read what you expect to see and b) an a can look like an e in some type faces.
please could you tell me the answer to this:whats the effect on weedkillers on the ecosystem?