“Here, they are become men: in Europe, they were as so many useless plants...They withered, and were mowed down by want, hunger, and war; but now by the power of transplantation, like all other plants they have taken root.” – from a letter written in 1782
After reading the primary source above, and with knowledge from the readings so far, it can be implied that the author was most likely referring to________
Spanish Conquistadors who were seeking God, Glory, and Gold in the New World.
Indentured Servants who had finished their terms of service and were embarking upon a new life in the American colonies
Pilgrim settlers who were mostly privileged British citizens.
African tribesmen who were being sold in the slave markets of the Thirteen Colonies
4 answers
Ms. Sue B??
Yes, B.
b. Indentured Servants who had finished their terms of service and were embarking upon a new life in the American colonies