• Here there are twelve (12) sentences, one is a core problem, some are effects

(major and sub) of the problem and others are causes (major and sub) of the
• Tasks..
i). List down the Core problem, causes of the problem and effects of the
ii). Draw a problem and objective trees based on the lists you created
above. Furthermore, pick one solution (to the problem) of your interest and
prepare its Project Matrix.
The statements are as follows:
1. Poor sanitary condition
2. Lack of good hygienic knowledge
3. Poor maintenance of water main
4. Low levels of income
5. Open Pit latrines
6. Increased Demand on health services
7. Flooding in Urban Areas
8. Reduced Productivity
9. Outbreak of Cholera in Kisarawe DC
10.Increased morbidity and mortality
11.Contaminated water supply
12.Unhygienic health practices and food preparation