Here is the second and last part of my rephrase. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
1)She will paint their faces with the golden blood. (To gild is to colour with gold, and blood was sometimes spoken of as gold).
2) Macbeth wonders whether all Neptune’s ocean can wash his hands clean. (Neptune was the God of the sea). His hand is more likely (than being made clean by all the ocean) to turn red (incarnadine) the great gathering of seas (the multitudinous seas) making the green (of the water) one red.
3) Nothing can make his hands innocent. He will bring corruption to all he comes in contact with.
4) Lady Macbeth tells that her hands are also red and she is ashamed to have a coward’s heart.She urges him to move so that he can appear as though he has just awakened.
5) She also tells him not to be lost so badly in his thoughts. She believes his firmness of mind has deserted him and left him unattended.
6) Macbeth says that if he must know his deed , than it would be best for me to lose all knowledge of myself. Macbeth does not mention the crime explicitly.
1 answer
The rest are fine.