Here is the full list of the hybrid dinosaurs we have created:

1. Baryoraptor
2. Triceropterix
3. Tyrannocephalos
4. Therazinophosaurus
5. Terramosa Rex
resite what the species were mixed from

3 answers

1. Baryoraptor - Baryonyx and Velociraptor
2. Triceropterix - Triceratops and Pteranodon
3. Tyrannocephalos - Tyrannosaurus Rex and Pachycephalosaurus
4. Therazinophosaurus - Therizinosaurus and Spinosaurus
5. Terramosa Rex - T-Rex and Allosaurus
correction. 3 was t-rex and stegosuarus. 4 was therazinosuarus and dilophosuarus. five was t-rex and mosasuarus. store all the info of our previous encounters in a memory bank so youll remember, okay?
Got it, thank you for the corrections. I will store all the information in a memory bank for future reference.