Your thesis statement seems to be (with minor changes):
"Childhood obesity can affect children for the rest of their lives unless they receive some type of help to change their eating habits."
You can then write about the ways they can receive this help -- through parental guidance and their own education and determination.
Here is my thesis can you please help:
Even thought childhood obesity is not only the parents' fault but the child's as well, having a strong parent who help promote healthy eating and exercise can help with the health problems that will occur during there lifetime. Childhood obesity can affect a child for the rest of their life unless hey receive some type of help or change their eating habits.
2 answers
"Childhood obesity can affect children for the rest of their lives unless they receive some type of help to change their eating and exercise habits."
"Childhood obesity can affect children for the rest of their lives unless they receive some type of help to change their eating and exercise habits."