Here is a presentation entitled "treatment plant from arsenic and pathogenic bacteria". I don't know how to check it as I'm not familiar with the content. I'd like you to help me check the grammar. The paragraph contain long-winded sentences with no punctuation. I really need you help!!
1) Thanks to the meeting with engineer .... we got interested in the problems of water pollution due to the presence of toxic metals, such as arsenic, or because of pathogenic bacteria.
2) Analysing the date we received from the .... , we could note how this problem is very significant in our country, in villages near by mine (??), and abroad as well, particularly in the developing nations.
3) We decided to ideate an effective and cheap cleaning filter using our knowledge about genetic engineering: we would like to prepare a genetically modified bacteria, the ..., which can survive using arsenic instead of phosphorous in building its DNA, containing a recombined plasmid which we insert the necessary sequences to interrupt the pathogenic action of the ... itself and of the main bacteria present in the water.
4) Using plasmid is the most convenient way to transfer very quickly, and without any additional expenditure, the factor we watn all the bacteria to have in order to mute their pathogenicity; moreover, this particular bacteria can survive in presence of arsenic so it won't die until its action of purification is completed.
5) This method had the purpose of being cheap and affordable even for those countries that can't or don't want to spend much money on the safeguard of its water resources.
1 answer
2) Analysing the data from the .... , we see that this problem is very significant in our country and abroad as well, particularly in developing nations.
3) We decided to create an effective and inexpensive filter using knowledge of genetic engineering: We would like to prepare a genetically modified bacteria, the ..., which can survive using arsenic instead of phosphorous in building its DNA. A new sentence needs to start here. This is FAR too long and detailed to be in one coherent sentence. What contains ... ? ~~> containing a recombined plasmid which we insert the necessary sequences to interrupt the pathogenic action of the ... itself and of the main bacteria present in the water.
4) Using plasmid is the most convenient way to transfer very quickly, and without any additional expenditure, the factor we want all the bacteria to have in order to mute their pathogenicity; moreover, this particular bacteria can survive in presence of arsenic so it won't die until its action of purification is completed. This also needs to be 2 or even 3 sentences. It's far too long and detailed ...
5) This method was inexpensive and affordable even for those countries that can't or don't want to spend much money to safeguard its water resources.