1) I bruised my knee when I fell off the skateboard. You should disinfect the wound and put a bandage on it.
I think you should rub some cream on it.
2) Dissolve a tablet of Paracetamol in half a glass of water and drink it every 8 hours.
Take a vial of milk enzymes once a day.
3) Why don't you take some bicarb to help your digestion?
You put an ice pack (but some ice) on your wound. [Yes, either wording works.]
4) Do you say put a compress or have a compress of hot water on the wound?
[Put a compress on the wound.]
Here are the last sentences of the day. Thank you very much!
1) I bruised my knee from falling off the skateboard. You should spray it with a disinfectant (better: disinfect the wound) and put a bandage on it.
I think you should rub some cream on it.
2) Dissolve a tablet of Paracetamol in half a glass of water every 8 hours.
Take a vial of milk enzymes once a day.
3) Why don't you take some bicarn to help you digest?
You put an ice pack (but some ice) on your wound.
4) Do you say put a compress or have a compress of hot water on the wound?
1 answer