Here are the correct answers for Unit 5 Lesson 11 Middle America Unit Test Connections or North Star
1. They had pyramids and palaces in their centers.
2. On a small island in a shallow lake.
3. They built a strong defense that protected Lake Texcoco from invasion.
4. They enslaved both men and women and let most die from overwork and starvation.
5. The central plateau where soils are good for farming
6. The agreement caused both exports and imports to increase over time.
7. Rain washes pesticides off crops and into rivers, which eventually flow into the ocean.
8. Social issues helped lead to the creation and growth of reggae music.
9. dictatorship and command
10. The impact of deforestation
11. Pollution from burning fossil fuels
12. The people of Middle America realized they could grow crops for a more reliable food supply.
13. Nobles
14. Weapons and Diseases
15. Mexico had many leaders competing for power who did not agree on how to govern.
16. The United States placed an embargo on trade with Cuba
17. Peninsulares, Creoles, American Indians, Mulattoes (there put in order)
18. Mexico's economy is much larger and diverse than the economies in Central America.
19. Residents lack access to the internet.
20-23 are written essays so good luck
These are correct just took Test take a chance or do it yourself. Don't listen to other people i did and got a 27% on this Unit Test
9 answers