Here are the answers for Unit 1: La Routine Test 1: Lesson 5. (10th Grade) ♡ ~('▽^人)

Also, I'm unsure if they switched up the letters so I put the letters and the answer.

1. Cognates are: (B) words that look very similar and in two languages and also have the same meaning.
2. Responds la question: Comment t'appelles-tu? (D) Je m'appelle Isabelle.
3. Responds la question: Est-ce que tu aimes les sports? (B) Oui, j'aime les sports.
4. Identify the meaning of the picture you see: (D) s'asseoir
5. Identify the meaning of the picture you see: (B) se secher
6. Identify the meaning of the picture you see: (D) se maquiller
7. Which form would be the correct form for the reflexive verb "se lever" for subject "je"? (B) Je me lave.
8. Which form would be the correct form for the reflexive verb "se lever" for subject "nous"? (C) Nous nous lavons.
9. Which form would be the correct form for the reflexive verb "se lever" for subject "ils"? (D) Ils se lavent.
10. Listen to the recording and determine what the person is telling you. (B) We are having fun.
11. Which two groups settled in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region of France? (B) The Romans and the Phoenicians.
You should get 100%, hopefully this helps!

1 answer

I'll post more of the tests when the due date comes.