Here are the answers for the Unit Test! Please just use these to check your answers instead of copying them :)

C@n’t K33p G0!ng β€” Today at 10:56 AM

1: c
2: b
3: d
4: d
5: a
6: b
7: d
8: b
9: c
10: a
11: b
12: a
13: c
14: d
15: a
16: d
17: a
18: b
19: a
20: d
Remember to check these and make sure that they make sense in the unit test, don't blame me if you input these, don't check that they make sense, and get a 0. That's what cheating will get you.
Also, if you did get them wrong, make sure to review the question and ask yourself why you got them wrong so you can improve! :D

I know, I'm a grade saver 😎

1 answer

wow, thanks anonamoose! This helped so much!