Here are some questions I had for hw, I answered some of them, can someone check my answers and help me with the ones i didn't answer, thanks:
1.Which constellations are visible from Canada in all seasons?
My Answer:Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Lynx,Cephus, Cassiopia,
Camelopardalis, perseus, and Cygnus
2. What are two constellations that you can see from Canada during each of the four seasons?
My answer: ursa major and ursa minor
3. how can we use pointer stars in the big dipper to find 3 other constellations?
idk #3 please help
4. what are other uses for pointer stars?
idk this one either
5. To locate the constellations at night, you stand facing north and hold the star map with the current month... why?
My answer: so that the map will reflect whats around you. Look to the south on your map, then slowly rotate your body south and you'll see the stars in the sky as depicted on the map. Look west, .......etc
can someone check my answers and help me with the questions i didn't get, thanks a lot:)
3 answers