- Her eyes twinkled like a calm lake reflecting the moonlight. - Once we put out the birdfeeders, the backyard was a zoo! - The snake slithered slyly. Dunkin' Donuts. Coca Cola. - Bring bring! Crash! Oooph! - Good work, Einstein! He's quite the Romeo. That takes Herculean effort. - It's freezing in here! I'm ready for lunch...I'm STARVING! - The trees danced in the wind. The cookies called to me. - It's raining cats and dogs. I'm feeling under the weather.


1 answer

- Idiom: "It's raining cats and dogs" means it's raining very heavily.
- Hyperbole: "I'm STARVING!" exaggerates how hungry someone is.
- Metaphor: "Her eyes twinkled like a calm lake reflecting the moonlight" compares someone's eyes to a calm lake.
- Allusion: "Good work, Einstein!" refers to the famous scientist Albert Einstein.
- Simile: "Her eyes twinkled like a calm lake reflecting the moonlight" compares someone's eyes to a calm lake.
- Onomatopoeia: "Crash!" imitates the sound of something crashing.
- Personification: "The cookies called to me" gives human-like qualities to the cookies.
- Alliteration: "Dunkin' Donuts. Coca Cola." uses repetition of consonant sounds.