Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendall Holmes and John Greenleaf Whittier belong to the group known as the fireside poets. Your book states that "the fireside poets wrote for a family audience, usually on subjects of general appeal: nature, home and family, religious and moral lessons, and patroitsm." Choose one of those writers and discuss the individual characteristics of his poetry.
*this is the question i have to to answer but I am so clueless can anyone help?!*
The best things to do with assignments like this are to choose one of the authors and then research all you can about him, including his biography.
Go to http://www.google.com and enter one of these author's names. You won't find all the results helpful, but there'll be enough.
Also, go to http://www.ipl.org and, on the left side, find Special Collections and then Literary Criticism. I believe all these authors are listed in there. Read some of the articles about their writing.