When setting up the placement of graphics in association with text, there are a few different options you can consider:
1. Grids: Grids are a useful tool for aligning and organizing both text and graphics. You can create a grid system that provides a consistent layout for your content, ensuring that graphics are placed in a visually appealing way in relation to the text. This can help maintain a coherent and balanced design.
2. Footers: Footers are the sections at the bottom of a page or document. You can place graphics in the footer area, either as standalone elements or as a background for the footer text. This can add visual interest and help tie the graphics and text together.
3. Tables: Tables are a useful way to organize content that involves both text and graphics. You can create tables with cells dedicated to text and cells dedicated to graphics, ensuring that each element is placed in a logical and visually appealing manner. Tables can help maintain consistency and alignment throughout your content.
4. Headers: Headers are the sections at the top of a page or document. You can place graphics in the header area, either as standalone elements or as a background for the header text. This can provide a visually appealing introduction to your content and help establish the overall theme or branding.
Remember to consider the purpose and context of your content when placing graphics in association with text. You want to ensure that the graphics enhance and complement the text, rather than distracting or overpowering it.
help with setting up the placement of graphics in assoication with the text.
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