Help with my research essay!?

I have this assignment I have to do and its a research essay. I was wondering if this was a good topic (not too broad or not too specific) for my essay:

Behind fast food, or like does fast food take effect on obesity?

I've chosen to do something about food, because well it's the next thing I would pick in the 'suggested topics' section on the assignment. If it's too broad please tell me how I can narrow it down more.


The essay needs to be at least 5-7 pages.


3 answers

You could research the calories in several fast food meals and then compare them with calories in healthier meals.
Thanks Ms.Sue

So what would be a good title for your suggestion?
Create a journal of your fat intake over a two-day period.

Prepare a brief analysis of your fat intake. In your analysis, answer the following questions:

How many total grams of fat did I consume?
How much saturated, unsaturated and trans-fats did I consume?
Was my fat intake during these two days in a healthy range? Too much? Too little?
Did I eat the wrong type of fat?
Can I do better? If so, how can I change my eating habits to improve?