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PAIRED PASSAGES: Henry W. Grady & Reconstruction
Celestine Sibley & Frederick Douglass
1Henry W. Grady was a white writer and editor for a prominent Georgia newspaper during the late 19th century. Frederick Douglass was a former slave who became a well-known abolitionist and author. In the following articles, you will read about their opinions on the reconstruction of the South after the Civil War.
"Henry W. Grady"
By: Celestine Sibley
from Peachtree Street, USA
2"I attended a funeral once in Pickens County in my State. ...It was a poor one-gallus fellow. ...They buried him in the midst of a marble quarry; they cut through solid marble to make his grave; and yet a little tombstone they put above him was from Vermont. They buried him in the heart of a pine forest, and yet the pine coffin was imported from Cincinnati. They buried him within touch of an iron mine, and yet the nails in his coffin and the iron in the shovel that dug his grave were imported from Pittsburgh. They buried him by the side of the best sheep-grazing country on earth, and yet the wool in the coffin bands and the coffin bands themselves were brought from the North. The South didn't furnish a single thing on earth for that funeral but the corpse and the hole in the ground. … They buried him in a New York coat and a Boston pair of shoes and a pair of breeches from Chicago and a shirt from Cincinnati, leaving him with nothing to carry into the next world to remind him of the country in which he lived and for which he fought for for years, but the chill blood in his veins and the marrow in his bones."
3Atlantans are extremely fond of that quote. It finds its way into print in one form or another at least once a year. … To understand the message's appeal for Atlantans, the stranger needs to know about the man who spoke it on a December day twenty-nine years after the Civil War.
4He was Henry Woodfin Grady, the ardent young editor of the Atlanta Constitution who first wrote and then, blossoming into an orator of renown, spoke of a New South - a region where old enmities were forgotten, where resources in men and land would be expended on something besides those one-drop despots, cotton and tobacco. He preached that economic betterment was the key to all the South's problems and that "waving the bloody shirt" and nursing old hostilities were profitless gestures. He visualized for that New South "her cities vast hives of industry, her countryside the treasures from which their resources were drawn, her streams vocal with whirring spindles."
5Mr. Grady came to the Constitution by way of the University of Georgia in his native Athens, the University of Virginia and work on two or three other papers, including the New York Herald. ... His friend and associate on the paper, Joel Chandler Harris, author of the Uncle Remus stories, was to write of him after his death: "His gift of expression was something marvelous.”…
6Mr. Grady used these talents to plead constantly for a healing of the breach between the North and the South and to work to bring the three "I's" - investors, industries, immigrants - to the depleted lands of his Confederate father, who was killed at Petersburg. Atlanta's four railroads were overtaxed by 1879 and Mr. Grady became fascinated by the prospect of bringing in new railroads. He visited the railroad centers, made friends with the railroad barons of the day, and spent the winter of 1880-81 in New York writing and trying to interest northern capital in the South.
7"I am firmly convinced that as soon as the South is firmly planted on her platform of liberation and progressive development and her position is well understood," he wrote back to the Constitution, "we shall see northern capital seeking southern investment with eagerness and the stream of immigration turned toward Georgia."
8Mr. Grady's first major and most famous out-of-state speech was delivered in December 1886 at the banquet of the New England club in New York. He began with an alleged quote from Senator Ben Hill. "There was a South of slavery and secession - that South is dead. There is a South of union and freedom - that South, thank God, is living, breathing, growing every hour."
9That speech, later called the New South speech, established Grady as an orator and as a "great pacificator" …
By: Frederick Douglass
from Atlantic Monthly 18 (1866): 761-765
10Without attempting to settle here the metaphysical and somewhat theological question (about which so much has already been said and written), whether once in the Union means always in the Union,—agreeably to the formula, Once in grace always in grace,—it is obvious to common sense that the rebellious States stand to-day, in point of law, precisely where they stood when, exhausted, beaten, conquered, they fell powerless at the feet of Federal authority. Their State governments were overthrown, and the lives and property of the leaders of the Rebellion were forfeited. In reconstructing the institutions of these shattered and overthrown States, Congress should begin with a clean slate, and make clean work of it. Let there be no hesitation. It would be a cowardly deference to a defeated and treacherous President, if any account were made of the illegitimate, one-sided, sham governments hurried into existence for a malign purpose in the absence of Congress. These pretended governments, which were never submitted to the people, and from participation in which four millions of the loyal people were excluded by Presidential order, should now be treated according to their true character, as shams and impositions, and supplanted by true and legitimate governments, in the formation of which loyal men, Black and white, shall participate.
11It is not, however, within the scope of this paper to point out the precise steps to be taken, and the means to be employed. The people are less concerned about these than the grand end to be attained. They demand such a reconstruction as shall put an end to the present anarchical state of things in the late rebellious States,—where frightful murders and wholesale massacres are perpetrated in the very presence of Federal soldiers. This horrible business they require shall cease. They want a reconstruction such as will protect loyal men, Black and white, in their persons and property; such a one as will cause Northern industry, Northern capital, and Northern civilization to flow into the South, and make a man from New England as much at home in Carolina as elsewhere in the Republic. No Chinese wall can now be tolerated. The South must be opened to the light of law and liberty, and this session of Congress is relied upon to accomplish this important work.
12The plain, common-sense way of doing this work, as intimated at the beginning, is simply to establish in the South one law, one government, one administration of justice, one condition to the exercise of the elective franchise, for men of all races and colors alike. This great measure is sought as earnestly by loyal white men as by loyal Black men, and is needed alike by both. Let sound political prescience but take the place of an unreasoning prejudice, and this will be done.
What is something that both Grady and Douglass wanted for the South?
A anarchyanarchy
B railroadsrailroads
C northern capitalnorthern capital
D federal soldiersfederal soldiers
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