Help:Please change show me anthing that I need to do, by placing the correct form at the it the bottom of the essay.
Topic: What is your biggest regret in life?
My Biggest Regret
Everyone has had some regrets about something in life. Some of the regrets could have been about a relationship or another choice that he or she made. Sometimes we make decisions base on how we are feeling at the moment, and don't really take time to think about it. My biggest regret is not taking high school as seriously as I should have.
To begin with, people often justmake decision about things in their life, but they soon realize that they should not have made it. By them making that decision in their life;it could have caused them to have sleepless night,and pain. One thing that many people have rregrets about is meeting the person whom they fell in love with.
Next, my biggest regret is not taking high school as serious as I should have taken it. I would do my work and turn it in, but I wouldn't put a lot of effort into it. For instance, I remember one time I had to turn in some math problems. The teacher assigned us about fifty problems in our math book. I did all the problems, but I had my cousin to do the one's that I didn't understand. Althought she did the problems; I should have let her explain the problems so that I would know how to work them out the next time. I also regret cheating myself because I realized that if I had put forth more effort then I probably wouldn't have as many problems in my life today.
In conclusion, everyone have had some regrets in his or her life. Many of the regrets caused them to feel bad and hate that they made the decision that they did. Even though the decisions had an effect on his or her life; it was a lesson learned.My biggest regret in life is not taking advantage of my high school years.
10 answers
2nd = ??
"To begin with, people often justmake decision about things in their life, but they soon realize that they should not have made it. By them making that decision in their life;it could have caused them to have sleepless night,and pain. One thing that many people have rregrets about is meeting the person whom they fell in love with."
Aren't you going to let us all in on what you mean by that last sentence?? Details, details!
Conclusion needs work. Re-read the conclusion link I gave you before.
You need to have your paper filled with references to yourself and your experiences. That means you need to have personal references throughout your paper -- use "I" and "me" and "my." This paper is about you!!
Reason being is that they come in contact with people that are violence. The sufficient person get them held down with children and that mean that they have to deal with each other for 18 years.
You need to be writing about YOURSELF, no one else.
In conclusion,we all have qustion ourselves with the question what was I thinking about? Often times the decision we make can really hurt us on down the road in our life. My biggest regret that I have is not taking advantage of high school as I should have. I noticed that some of the things I did when I was younger I truly wonder to myself what was I thinking about, but it happened so that I could learn from my mistakes and not repeat it over.
I've taken out extraneous words and smoothed it out some -- compare yours and mine CAREFULLY.
Now since I have corrected those errors, and change some stuff in the 2nd par. could u go back and check my whole paper for spelling, commons, semi colon, period, subjust verb agreement,and make sure that everything is correct. I would really appreciate it.
Help:Please change show me anthing that I need to do, by placing the correct form at the it the bottom of the essay.
Topic: What is your biggest regret in life?
My Biggest Regret
Everyone has had some regrets about something in life. Some of the regrets could have been about a relationship or another choice that he or she made. Sometimes we make decisions base on how we are feeling at the moment, and don't really take time to think about it. My biggest regret is not taking high school as seriously as I should have.
To begin with, people often just make decisions about things in their life, but they soon realized that they should not have made it. By them making that decision in their life; it caused them to have sleepless nights,and pain. I can testify to this because it has happened to me on more than one occassion. I have had regrets about some people that I have met in life because they have hurt me.They were people that I thought was my friends, but actually they was back-stabbing me.
Next, my biggest regret is not taking high school as seriously as I should have taken it. I would do my work and turn it in, but I wouldn't put a lot of effort into it. For instance, I remember one time I had to turn in some math problems. The teacher assigned us about fifty problems in our math book. I did all the problems, but I had my cousin to do the one's that I didn't understand. Although she did the problems; I should have let her explained the problems so that I would know how to work them out the next time. I also regret cheating myself because I realized that if I had put forth more effort then I probably wouldn't have as many problems in my life today.
In conclusion, we all have to asked ourselves, "What was I thinking about?" Often the decisions we make can really hurt us farther down the road in our lives. My biggest regret is not taking advantage of high school as I should have. When I think of some of the things I did when I was younger, I truly wonder what I was thinking about, but these things must have happened so that I could learn from my mistakes and not repeat them.
You should hear that the first paragraph and third paragraph should not have that second paragraph between them.
Either ditch the second paragraph and move the third one up -- then write a new third paragraph with another regret OF YOURS, from YOUR LIFE. As it currently reads, the second paragraph doesn't fit at all.