Identifying Dos, PNs, or PAS
Directions: Underline all subjects 1x, verbs 2x, and then circle the DO, PN or PA. "Feel free to
mark LV or AV and bracket prep phrases.
1. The judges announced a set of rules.
2. The rules were simple
3. The judges created three contest divisions.
4. The first division involved games between two players.
5. The second division tested distance.
6. The winner threw the disc with great power
7. The last division involved a test of accuracy.
8. Both Salvatore and Annette entered the contest.
9. Annette practiced steadily for a week
10. This was her first contest.
11. Sometimes she and Salvatore practiced together.
12. Both Salvatore and Annette were nervous.
13. Salvatore entered the third division
14. He did not win.
15. Annette joined the first-division competition
16. Coyote and Eagle were travelers together.
17. One day, the people in a Zuni pueblo bid them welcome.
18. Coyote noticed two boxes in the pueblo.
19. The Zunis kept the sun in one box and the moon in the other
20. Eagle put the sun and the moon together in one box and flew off with them.
_21. Coyote repeatedly pestered Eagle about the box
_22. Finally, Eagle gave Coyote the box.
23. Coyote accidentally released the sun and the moon from the box.
_24. The sun and moon took their heat far away from the earth.
25. In this way, Coyote brought winter into the world.
3 answers
I’ll get you started on the first two, and then I’ll check the others once you finish them.
1. The judges announced a set of rules.
Subj - judges
Verb - announced (AV)
DO - set
Prep phrase - of rules
2. The rules were simple
Subj - rules
Verb - were (LV)
PA - simple
Look up terms here whenever you need specific help.