To solve, we'll need to multiply 1/8 by 2 because we know the SIZE of the groups (1/8 gallon per bookcase) and the TOTAL GALLONS OF PAINT (2 gallons), but we don't know the NUMBER OF GROUPS (bookcases).
1st blank answer: A (multiply 1/8 by 2)
To calculate the number of bookcases Victoria can paint, we'll need to divide 2 by 1/8 because we know the TOTAL GALLONS OF PAINT (2 gallons) and the SIZE OF THE GROUPS (1/8 gallon per bookcase).
2nd blank answer: B (total gallons of paint)
3rd blank answer: A (Number of groups)
USE THE ASNWERS FOR THE SENTACE Fill in the blanks below Victoria plans to repaint some classroom bookcases. She has 2 gallons of paint. All of the bookcases are the same size and each requires one eigtht
gallon of paint. How many bookcases will she be able to paint?
To solve, we'll need to because we know the SIZE of the groups and the , but we don't know the ,
1st blank answers: A multiply 1/8 by 2, B we'll need to divide 2 by 1/8
2nd blank answers: ,A number of groups, B total gallons of paint
3rd blank answers: A Number of groups, B total gallons of paint
1 answer