Helloo, It's me again, Ren. Let's head up to Language and I'll give you a hint here and now! (Remember) //Direct quotations have quotation marks around them)) Oh yea, I have decided to try something new..My answers for the questions will be '***'.

1. Which sentences contain direct quotes? Select the two correct answers.
A. Some of the most famous artists of the era were Rossetti and Beardsley. (Childs)
B. Some bird species have flown south each year for hundreds of years. (Birdman)
C. "When I was your age," Grandpa said, "Books were our Internet." ***
D. When it snows in Spain, it only snows in the mountains (Dolittle)
E. "The bread was so burned, it looked exactly like a hockey puck," Karen said. ***

2. What are the best ways to give proper credit when using someone else's work? Select the two correct answers.
A. Direct quote. ***
B. Plagiarism.
C. Emphasis.
D. Citation. ***
E. Parentheses.

3. Choose the words that complete the sentence.
Direct quotes need ___________, around them, or else it is considered ___________.
A. Quotation marks. ***
B. Parentheses.
C. Summarizing.
D. Plagiarism. ***
(My answer) = Direct quotes need "Quotation marks", around them, or else it is considered "Plagiarism."

4. A summary is when you take information from a source an reword and restructure it into..
A. A different media format.
B. A direct quote or paraphrase.
C. A shorter sentence or group of sentences. ***
D. A longer paragraph or group of paragraphs.

5. Use the poem to answer the question.
Falling gently down,
Snow blankets the earth tonight
Cold, yet so cozy.

Amy wants to use lines from the following poem in an essay she is writing. Which is the best strategy to help her use lines from the poem?
A. In-text Citation.
B. Summary.
C. Direct Quote. ***
D. Paraphrase.

Let me see if my answers are correct..Give me one momentom!

2 answers

Alright, 100% as wished.
1. C, E. (C) = "When I was your age," Grandpa said, "Books were our Internet." (E) = "The bread was so burned, it looked exactly like a hockey puck," Karen said.

2. A, D. (A) = Direct Quote. (D) = Citation.

3. A, D. (A) = Direct quotes need "Quotation Marks," (D) = Or else it is considered "Plagiarism."

4. C. A shorter sentence or group of sentences.

5. C. Direct Quote.
why did no one even give him a like he is answering all the questions for you and you dont even give him a like people are just so mean these,s days