Hello:)What is a difference between an instruction and an assignment?What does an instruction include and what an assignment?
2 answers
If I am a teacher and my students need to learn Present Simple and I have come up eith a kind of a game which includes flashcarda, what would be an instruction and ehat an assignemnt?Can you write an example?
Whatever YOU do to TEACH a lesson or concept is instruction. The game and the flashcards would be part of the instruction for this concept.
Whatever the STUDENTS do to apply the lesson or concept is an assignment. YOU devise the assignment (what the students are to do to continue learning and demonstrate understanding of the concept), and the students complete the assignment, in the classroom and/or at home.
I give a lesson on present and past tenses of regular and irregular English verbs. That's instruction.
Students' homework includes writing a paragraph with all verbs in the present tense (using a mixture of regular and irregular verbs) and a paragraph with all the verbs in the past tenses (again, a mix of regular and irregular verbs). This is an assignment.
Whatever the STUDENTS do to apply the lesson or concept is an assignment. YOU devise the assignment (what the students are to do to continue learning and demonstrate understanding of the concept), and the students complete the assignment, in the classroom and/or at home.
I give a lesson on present and past tenses of regular and irregular English verbs. That's instruction.
Students' homework includes writing a paragraph with all verbs in the present tense (using a mixture of regular and irregular verbs) and a paragraph with all the verbs in the past tenses (again, a mix of regular and irregular verbs). This is an assignment.