This is a discussion question from my cuktural diversity class..
I have read through my entire text and elaborated on what my text stated on educational differences and similarities among the Chinese and Japanese people. Can you read my response over and tell me if everything seems relevant or anything you think I can possible add. My teacher is very difficult and critiques many different aspects on what and how we write our responses.
Any help you give would be great =)
Consider these questions: What are the most significant similarities between the Chinese American and Japanese American [cultural] experiences? What are the differences? (Schaefer, 2006, p. 352)
The topic I chose is Pursuit of Education
After 1943, Chinese were gradually permitted to enter the United States and later on college students were allowed to remain in the United States after finishing their education. The Chinese Immigrated to the U.S. to pursue better jobs and a better life.
Japanese Americans as a group have accomplished success in academic standards and are doing very well. The educational attainment of Japanese Americans as a group, as well as their family earnings, is higher than that of Whites, but caution should be used in interpreting such group data. Many factors contribute to this data, such as;
Asian Americans are concentrated in areas of the U.S. where wages and cost of living are far above the national average and the proportion of Japanese American families with multiple wage earners is higher than that of White families. Today, Japanese Americans have achieved success by almost any standard.
Today, young Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans are very ambivalent about their cultural heritage. There are definite differences in the experience of the Chinese and the Japanese, but education is taken very seriously in both cultures. The Chinese and Japanese have both placed strong cultural emphasis on receiving a formal education.
3 answers
Sometimes a second opinion helps a lot =)