Hello, Thank you for clicking on this post. I have a announcement to make, let me just start off this way.

Thank you, tutors, for helping us everyday, and volunteering to help us, students. I am very grateful for this site. I am sure that my grades will be down if it hadn't been for this site, and, you guys telling us to read our text, we will find the answer there. Thank you for taking your time to help us and you guys are still standing very strong after all these years. You went through cyber-bulling; cheating; and, getting yelled at in all caps lock. I really wanted to make this post for a long time know. Its okay if you don't want to read this long post. I understand.

To all the students: Let's all treat out tutors nice, and respectful. They are the ones taking their time helping us so we won't have a failing grade. They are the ones spending quality time helping us approve. I, Sliverstream, (Jiskha name) may get all the praise for my approving grades, but I just want to say, all the credits belong to our dear tutors.

With that all said and done, I enjoy this site, and enjoy our tutors. Thank you!

8 answers

Thank you for the feedback! We appreciate you taking the time to let us know we're making a difference.
:) You are highly welcome!
Oh and I want to add another thing, NO Spamming. NO spamming. One more time, NO SPAMMING. Okay, you get it?
Thanks, Silverstream.
This is a wonderful post Silverstream!
Best wishes to you!
Sincerely, Ms Pi 3.1415926535897932384... : )
Yeah! You call that a Positivity post! 💕🤗🤭🧠! #POSITIVITY POST WOOOW! (The caps were a happy caps)
Thank you very much, Silverstream!