
So Im having trouble with my thesis statement for an essay. My teacher gave us three questions to answer and make the answers into a thesis statement.
heres the questions and instructions:

Does defining human worth based on shallow measurements, such as wealth and possessions, make true love and humanity impossible? Who/what is to blame for this definition? Is it possible to transcend shallow measurements? Explain.

Based on the short story How much land does a man need by Leo Tolstoy how would the author answer the questions above?

So yah, and also the short story is about a man who wanted more and more land and he was very greedy and he never had time for his wife. He just wanted more land and that was the only thing on his mind. He went to this place and they said how much he runs he can get all the land until he stops. After running too much he gets very tired and he eventually dies. All he needed was 6 feet of land from head to toe.

2 answers

Give your thesis statement a try, and someone here will check it for you.

Here is a superb site on what is and what is not a true thesis statement:
What are your answers to the questions?

These sites will help you take your answers and devise a thesis statement from them.

