1. You can use all the variations, but two are quite wordy, and one is good. The non-wordy phrasing is "... they will discuss" -- it's more concise than the others. Do you see it? Even better is "They are expected to discuss..."
2. "implicitly" is not used correctly in either of the sentences.
I think you want a word such as surely or easily or handily. Look them up here:
http://www.thesaurus.com or http://www.answers.com
Please help me with the following structures:
1)is it possible to use "going to" after "expect" or only "will", for example "it's expected that they are going to discuss" or only "it's expected that they will discuss / will be discussing"?
2)are the phrases possible:
a)he will implicitly win the elections;
b)he will implicitly win in the elections.
Thank you for all your answers.
1 answer