Hello! Nice to meet you again, it's Ren by the way- Let's start on art first, shall we?
1. Patterns can exist in many different types of art. In this quilt, a pattern was used to create a compelling design. Which of the following best describes the pattern?
A. A pattern of squares is repeated in black and create a diamond.
B. A pattern of small diamond shapes in rows of colors create a star.
C. A large pattern of triangles repeat a dark and light color scheme.
D. A rainbow pattern of circles create a starburst.
2. Patterns can also occur in nature. Recognizing those patterns can make it easier for the artists to recreate the scene in a drawing or painting. In this photograph of a desert, what pattern do you recognize?
A. Horizontal lines in the sand dunes.
B. Vertical lines in the sand dunes.
C. Circles that create the sand dunes.
D. Rows or curved lines in the sand dunes.
3. The artist used which geometric shapes to produce this tapestry?
A. Circles and Squares.
B. Lines and Circles.
C. Hexagons and Lines.
D. Diamonds and Lines.
4. This landscape artist created a hedge design for a garden area. This would be successful because of which of the following?
A. It is successful because it is a uniform pattern that creates an aesthetically pleasing design.
B. The design is not successful because it is chaotic and unorganized.
C. It is successful because the design highlights the main building structure.
D. It is successful because of the variety of brightly colored flowers growing randomly.
I'll send you the answers in just a second, mate! ^^
27 answers
Hello! ^^ I have the answers you were looking for- Just take a look, I'm sure it's fine!
1. B. A pattern of small diamond shapes in rows of colors create a star.
2. D. Rows or curved lines in the sand dunes.
3. D. Diamonds and Lines.
4. A. It is successful because it is a uniform pattern that creates an aesthetically pleasing design.
These are the answers- do what you please with them, friend! :) See you on the flip side!
can you help me with something please
please help me
what do you need?
i need help with energy system portfolio
What portfolio?
What are the directions- can you copy and paste them here?
now you will app what you have learned about the energy systems by completeting the following task for the portfolio
reviewing what diagram are and why they are helpful
creating a diagram or model involving the energy flow and interaction between different earth places
reflecting on your work
First of all, the last one is reflecting on what you have learned throughout this unit. It should be atleast 3-4 paragraphs of what you have learned, difficulties, and achievements. It shouldn't be too hard. To release the stress of you, the energy flow and interaction should be between different earth places. So, you can create a model- maybe 1d, 2d, so basically, grab a piece of paper and start drawing a model of the different earth places, like Saturn, Mars, all those others- You could also involve the energy those places make on their own by just googling up how much the energy flow is for each earth place. The interaction with them is that they should have no interaction unless something touches it, so find that out on google as well. You should also search up what a diagram is and explain how it is helpful and how it is used to be helpful. I'm sorry you have to do this, I hope I helped you. :)
i do not have google i have bing so wen i search it it will give me something different
I also have bing, just try doing that. You can also create a model of the basic earth places, like earth. You can do the energy flow of earth.
i do not have a phone so i can not take a picure of it i mean like i have a phone but i can not get it till my grades are up and right now i am failing and i might get kicked out of school
Ok so, the interaction with earth is almost at 9 billion people, there is your first answer. The flow of energy on earth is when movement is detected, so basically you could say, "The flow of energy comes whenever movement is detected, and it immediately goes into energy" The reflection should be what you have learned throughout the unit. 3-4 paragraphs, remember? As well as making a drawing of the earth, or an object that has energy, basically maybe a ball, and saying it moved, and the energy transports into the ball so then it's flow of energy. Movement, you could also label the drawing- "This part is the ball, and this part is the energy- when the ball moves" You could do that. Hopefully, this helps you :)
thank you
The diagram should be easy. Take a picture (Save it as a file on bing) and put it on to the google document, after that, google some things on diagrams and why they are useful, I'll help you with googling, just so this is easier for you. ^^
1 = A diagram is something that communicates information.
2 = Pictures are easier to understand since words aren't enough to comprehend.
3 = Graphics can cause attention and keep attention.
4 = If you are speaking on/with a material, a diagram is best for the specific material, since it would be explained better.
5 = There are multiple diagrams that are suited and perfected for each subject, meaning there is no right or wrong with a specific diagram.
can you help me with some thing els
Yes, what is it?
the moving to canada portfolio can you write it for me it does not matter whic one you choose
First of all, Moving to Canada would probably be super hard since the border isn't open currently, I believe! What we would need is passports, clothes, electronics, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, etc. We would also need a suitable car to bring people along with us or if we are going alone- (we would still need a suitable car). I believe that we would also need money as well, to buy food, access Canada, buy stuff in Canada like clothes, food, toys, etc. We would also need a virtual payed ticket to a hotel if we're going to one in Canada. If not then we wouldn't need it. We would also need a supply bag just incase we run out of money or something like that. Females would most likely bring tons of perfume, clothes, gum, and jewelry. Men would most likely bring gum, candy, and shoes, than they would forget about everything. It's basically different choices! If a person is not full of excitement (Drowsy) then they won't get everything ready! If a person is happy (Excited) then they will get everything ready in time. It's basically based on opinions. But this is what I think we would need! Oh also, don't forget about Christmas in Canada. We would also need gloves, mittens, warm hats, warm clothes, jackets, warm sweaters, warm boots, warm pants, long pants, and a protection suit from the snow! (You end your paragraph here.)
maybe something pertaning a little more to this
Imagine you are a parent with a family, and you have been given the opportunity to move to Canada. You are excited but unsure where to move your family. What province or territory will you choose for your family? You would like an area that has resources to provide solid job opportunities. Natural resources and the geography of the province or territory will also play a role in your choice.
Canada is made up of ten provinces and three territories. It is the fourth largest country in the world. It is culturally diverse and has an abundance of natural resources. When deciding where to move, you must choose from the following four provinces and territories:
Newfoundland and Labrador
Identify how geographic features affect human settlement
Summarize research on the provinces and territories of Canada
Classify aspects of Canadian provinces and territories
I would choose Windsor, In Southwestern Ontario.
Geographic Features affect human settlement by Climate, Development of Cities, And Geographic Conditions.
The provinces of Canada are...
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland And Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon, Quebec, Administrative Divisions Of Canada, Quebec (QC).
The territories of Canada are...Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland And Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon, Quebec, Administrative Divisions Of Canada, Quebec (QC). (Which are all the same).
Canada has Five (5) Regions.
-The West Coast
-The Northern Territories
-The Atlantic Region
-Central Canada
-The Prairie Provinces
(You end it here).
never mind i have it ssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry to bother you but you were very helpful and if you ever need help you can ask me
No problem, and thank you! :3
turns out i had to use your and it was very helpful thank you i saved my life