Hello Ms. Sue! I like this website. It is really helpful. But can you add notifications to the website? It would really help.

32 answers

What kind of notifications would you like to see?
Hello, Ms. Sue is not the owner of this website, she is a teacher here. And, if notifications were added, you would have to end up "signing in/making an account" on here so the website knows who you were talking to.
Like on the top, It says our username. And when we click it there is a scroll down menu. And one of the options says Notifications. And if someone comments on our post or comment or someone else's post that we comment on. It says "1" and the color is red. or if more notifications then it should make the number of notifications on the notification button. Does that sound nice?
And "Cardinary"... It wouldn't have to sign in. ittle just remeber you as your ip address
I'll send this thread to the owner of Jiskha.
Thank you! =)
You're welcome. Check this thread from time to time for an answer.
Ok, I will!
If it's probably a lot of coding to do, I'm sorry.
I agree with this, and I know a lot of other people do too. Unless it requires Jiskha to have funding from the users, I don't see how notifications could be a difficulty to add. I hope the faculty and owner understand and respond well to this thread.
Yea usernames
Thank you so much guys!
I think this will do good! :)
But there is a problem..My brother use this site 2
Thank you! But how is it a problem? Your brother supposedly doesn't like notifications?
Ms. Sue. Is there an answer?
im here brother what the problem
Okay, the problem is....the Ip address. When one of us do something wrong we both get punished....I don't like that!
Oh. Well, don't do anything wrong.
Yeah, notifications would be awesome. I asked a question recently, but it's apparently not popular, so I have no way of finding it or knowing if anyone answered.
i think this is a wonderful suggestion for Jiskha and most people would agree with this. I have another suggestion also, like maybe you can make it IF you add weather's suggestion, if his/her wishes are granted can you please make sure that you DO NOT have to log in? that would be very much helpful. Have a nice day goodbye.
I agree. Have a good day.
Yes, I agree with that suggestion. But maybe it is a lot of work to do. Maybe he can't do it.
What I want to know is... How did this question be able to be on the 3rd place most popular questions of 2019?!
idk(I don't know) don't ask me =)
I so agree with this
I don't think Leo would be interested in making this suggestion... Because he or she didn't script it yet.
Seems Ms. Sue probably forgot.
I feel reaallllllllllllllly bad for ms sue
she sounds like shes on her period (>.<)
No. She didn't forget. She passed away... And I seemed to figure out her age at death... But let's not talk about that. It makes me sad. ;(
Sad. ;(