Hello, let's learn more about the organelle known as the power house of the cell, the mighty mitochondria. The mitochondria is an organelle found in both autotrophic and heterotrophic cells. The purpose of the mitochondria is to create energy for the cell to perform the functions necessary for that cell. For example, the energy is needed for a muscle cell to contract, or for a heart cell to beat, or for a cell to help remove some waste products. The cell is too small to be seen with the naked eye. So let's use this microscope to look more closely at the mitochondria. This is an image of a cell, we might be able to see under a microscope, although we would need a fairly powerful microscope to see this. We would need an even more powerful microscope if we wanted to see the details of the mitochondria. Of course, this is just a labeled diagram of the mitochondria, but it will be helpful to look more closely at it. 01:01: What are some of the characteristics of the mitochondria? It is a double membrane bound organelle that vary in numbers inside of the cell, some cells such as red blood cells don't have any mitochondria, while others, such as liver cells contain thousands. The inner membrane is highly folded into compartments called cristae. This allows for an increase in the surface area and for greater production of energy in the cell. The mitochondria is the main organelle responsible for cellular respiration. This is the process where organisms take glucose which was made by an autotroph by photosynthesis, or ingested by a heterotroph, and produce ATP. ATP is the main energy source for living things. 01:47: The mitochondria also has its own DNA. It is passed from the mother to the offspring and it is useful in helping to track genealogy from your mother's side of the family. The mighty mitochondria is just one of the many organelles needed for a cell to work properly.

Question 1
MItochondria are the _________________ of the cell.
A powerhousepowerhouse
B protein-making organelleprotein-making organelle
C place of photosynthesisplace of photosynthesis
Question 2
Cellular respiration takes place inside the __________.
A golgi bodiesgolgi bodies
B mitochondriamitochondria
Question 3
Mitochondria produce energy in the form of ________.

Please answer all 3 questions correctly

1 answer

Question 1: A) powerhouse

Question 2: B) mitochondria

Question 3: A) ATP