You're misunderstood the purpose of Jiskha. We are here to HELP students understand their school work. We do not do it for them.
So do your own homework.
Hello. I'm kinda new to this site. Is there any restriction on the kinds of questions we are allowed to ask. I have a lot of homework due tomorrow and I don't really feel like doing it all. Lol. Please respond because I want to respect the website's guidelines. Thank you.
3 answers
I don't understand. It seems to me that the majority if people on this site are posting homework questions in order to get direct answers. I've even seen people post entire tests or worksheets in order to complete it efficiently. If I'm mistaken please tell me. Thank you.
We make sure that tests and answers are not kept and are deleted. If someone posts on an old question, it isn't deleted. But most of those answers are either out of date or the work of pranksters posting fake answers.
We don't have time to chase down old posts.
We don't have time to chase down old posts.