Hello. I'll really appreciate some help with English.
1)Is it possible to say "the peacemaking process in the Middle East" or is it just "peacemaking in the Middle East" or "the peace process in the Middle East"?
2)Is it possible to say "the rebels have been struggling against the government" or is it "fighting"?
3)Is the article "the" used in the phrases "Libyan forces" or "Libyan armed forces"?
4)Is it possible to say a)"the possibility of reaching new gas deals"?
b)"to strike gas contracts"
5)Is the phrase correct: "the possibility of conclusion of gas contracts" or is it "the possibility of the conclusion of gas contracts"?
6)Is the phrase correct: "it is being built for transportation of Iranian gas" or is it "for the transportation of Iranian gas"?
7)Is it possible to say "a trade treaty" or "a trade deal" or "a trade agreement"?
8)Is it possible to say "to cease the peace process" (meaning "to stop", "to stall", "to halt")?
9)Is it possible to say "to cause a problem"?
10)Which is the correct position of "already" in the sentence "They have (already)been waiting for (already?) two hours (arleady?)"; maybe all of them?
Thank you very much for help.
1 answer
2. Either verb is fine.
3. I'd need to see a whole sentence to tell.
4. I'd use a) but not b).
5. Both are awkward. Try this: the possibility of agreeing on new gas contracts.
6. Use "the" in there.
7. All are possible, but the second and third are best and most often used.
8. Yes, but it's stilted. Use "stopped."
9. Yes
10. The first and third choices are fine. The second is not done.
This might be helpful.