If German is your native tongue, you need to work on your spelling, typing and grammar.
Erörterung (essay) should be capitalized and needs a "g" at the end. Sentences should begin with capitalized words. When "ein paar" means "a few" (as here), the word paar is NOT capitalized. Just how the popular buzzword "niveauvolle" (which I see is used a lot used in ads seeking partners), apparently meaning "multifaceted, classy, ssophisticated") would apply to a school I don't quite understand. Obviously you believe that such a type of school in beneficial. Say it in your own words, and get the grammar right.
Ich muss bis Dienstag eine erörterun schreiben.
Niveauvolle Schulen ermöglichen bessere Ausbildung und Arbeitsleben.
Ideen? stichwörter?kann jemand ein Paar Sätze schreiben?
dke sehr!
1 answer