Hello! I was not sure how to put the subject as, because the question is a calculation. However, it is not math. I just need a little help understanding the question, as I think I'm correct, but I'm not 100% sure. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Given a simple example of a building construction project with 8 steps. The hypothetical work breakdown structure is provided as follows:
• Prepare the sit: 3 days. Set up the building footers: 3days
• Finish the foundation: 5 days, and then assemble the building: 3 days
• When the building is assembled, start finish two tasks at once: interior work (5 days), and set up the final inspection (15 days)
• When the interior work is done, start two tasks at once: landscaping 7 days, and driveway paving 3 days
• when the landscaping and driveway are done, do the painting 2 days
• finally when painting is done and final inspection has occured, arrange the sale (2 days)
Calculate the correct total time for the project? What is the total time?
My Answer: I counted all the days together: 3+3+5+3+5+15+7+3+2+2. Counting the days together, I got 48 days. So would the total time for the project be 48 days?
Thank you.