Hello! I need to write an essay on the topic of contestability, I've decided to focus on the cold war but I am struggling to come up with an essay question and formatting/structure.

My ideas right now for questions include:
Was the Cold War inevitable?
Do the positives outweigh the negatives? - Was it worth it?
Was the cold war necessary?

It would be great if I could somehow relate one of these questions to today. For example, the proxy wars, how orth and South Korea still have a very strained relationship...

I would love your opinion on what I should write about and a very basic outline of what i should do would be really helpful:

Was it worth it? --
the positives - technological advancments ect..
negatives - expenses ect...

I will definetely write the essay myself, but I kind of dont know where to start..

1 answer

1. If you have this many basic questions about your topic and you "dont know where to start" then you probably should choose a different topic. It's not usually a good idea to tackle an assignment this major without having some ideas about it.

2. Your best place to research a topic for this type of assignment is https://scholar.google.com
You'll find much more good, solid information without all the ads and other distracting stuff in a regular search on Google, Bing, or any other.