hello! i need to give a thirty minutes lectore to children(age 11-12).My topic is travelling.What can i do?Do you have any exanples of any games i can make to make it interesting?They can also act and learn some vocabulary but mostly they need to do something.Any suggestions?It has to be in german but i would just like to hear some suggestions.It should last for 30-40 minutes
3 answers
Thank you:)I am from Croatia so children speak croatian but i am studying to be a teacher and have to teach some children in german.It is not important which language it is i just need some games about TRAVELLING..this is my topic.I've made a roleplay but i need something more.So if anyone has any suggestions it would be great
A game I sometimes used to play with my mother went like this: we'd have a map of a country in front of us and one of us would pick the name of a city/village on that map; the other would have to find it. It's a good lesson in geography and maybe the child who finds the place first could win a small prize.
Here is another game we used to play as kids; call it City, Country (in German
We mad several columns on a wide piece of paper. The headings were: city, country, mountain, bodies of water, books, composer, author, flower and name. (Of course, you could make up your own categories.)The last column would be called POINTS.
The first child would say "A" and then proceed to say the rest of the alphabet inaudibly. The next child said "stop" and the first one would say out loud the letter of the alphabet he/she had just reached. Then everyone needed to fill in the columns with words starting with that letter that was chosen. (e.g. the letter "S"; you'd put maybe Salzburg as city, Spain as country; Seine as body of water and so on.
The child who finishes all the columns first says "stop" and everyone has to stop writing. Then everyone compares their entries; for answers that were used by more than one child you'd get 5 points; for answers that were different from the other children's you'd get 10 points and for an answer in a column that no one else has answered at all, there were 20 points awarded. You add them up and put the total into the points column.
The game can be played for as long as you'd like (maybe until all the children had a chance to say the alphabet). In the end you add up all the points in the poins column and the child with the most points wins.
It's not only fun but educational as well.
(Sometimes, instead of the children saying the alphabet, we took a piece of heavy cardboard, made a wheel with all the letters on it, fastened it to the cardboard with a pin and spun it. Wherever the wheel stopped (we had made a small mark on the cardboard to indicate the stopping point)that was the letter to use.
Have fun!!! Viel Vergnügen!!!
We mad several columns on a wide piece of paper. The headings were: city, country, mountain, bodies of water, books, composer, author, flower and name. (Of course, you could make up your own categories.)The last column would be called POINTS.
The first child would say "A" and then proceed to say the rest of the alphabet inaudibly. The next child said "stop" and the first one would say out loud the letter of the alphabet he/she had just reached. Then everyone needed to fill in the columns with words starting with that letter that was chosen. (e.g. the letter "S"; you'd put maybe Salzburg as city, Spain as country; Seine as body of water and so on.
The child who finishes all the columns first says "stop" and everyone has to stop writing. Then everyone compares their entries; for answers that were used by more than one child you'd get 5 points; for answers that were different from the other children's you'd get 10 points and for an answer in a column that no one else has answered at all, there were 20 points awarded. You add them up and put the total into the points column.
The game can be played for as long as you'd like (maybe until all the children had a chance to say the alphabet). In the end you add up all the points in the poins column and the child with the most points wins.
It's not only fun but educational as well.
(Sometimes, instead of the children saying the alphabet, we took a piece of heavy cardboard, made a wheel with all the letters on it, fastened it to the cardboard with a pin and spun it. Wherever the wheel stopped (we had made a small mark on the cardboard to indicate the stopping point)that was the letter to use.
Have fun!!! Viel Vergnügen!!!