Hello, I need to decide whether these 3 artworks are considered realistic or stylistic. Ive decided what they are, and want to make sure that i am correct.

The first artwork is a mask, It is called the Mask of Moon Goddess by Inuit, I think its stylistic. The second one is called Secret Society Mask by George Walkus, I think its stylistic. The third is called Portrait of a queen by Ife, Nigeria, I think its realistic. :)

11 answers

the portrait of a queen looks realistic because it looks like an actual human being from that time. The Secret Society Mask looks stylistic because it looks like its more for a costume, because its so dramatic and out there. The other mask, The mask of Moon Goddess looks stylistic.. because I don't know why I had a tough time with this one. I think it might actually be realistic..
Without being able to see them, I can't tell. Your explanation for your choices for the queen and secret society works sound good. But I can't tell about the moon goddess unless I can see the work.
HOWEVER!! You should make sure you are clear about what you mean by "so dramatic and out there"!!
i know im sorry i don't know how to link things on here. Go on ya hoo, and then type in inuit mask of moon goddess, then go to images, and it should be the second one
well i meant by dramatic and out there because the paintings and decorations on it are wild, and it doesnt look like a normal animal
This one?

If so, I agree with you on stylistic.
yes that's it
it also tells to to explain WHY. Now for that mask I said it looks stylistic because, it does not depict a humans face, and its used for ceremonies. Does that sound good, or do they want me to like go into detail explaining the eyes and such?
I'm not sure about how much detail to go into, but I think your comment about its use -- for ceremonies -- is right. If you read about kachinas (Zuni or Hopi), you'll also find extremely stylized masks, and this occurs in cultures all over the world. The ceremonial use almost demands that the mask NOT be realistic.
ok thank you. Do you know a site that tells the difference between realistic and stylistic characteristics in art? i cant seem to find one for stylistic characteristics
This is a pretty good definition for realistic/realism in artworks:
"... an unembellished rendering of natural forms ... "

So it's the embellishing that creates stylistic artwork -- adding details that are not intended to accurately reflect what's real -- thus, eyes or face shape or mouth, etc., that don't look as they do in real life but are there to emphasize what the artist intends for its purpose.

This may also help in defining stylistic: