The first one is OK.
You should NEVER be unclear about a balanced equation. Count things up on both sides. If they are equal it's balanced. If not, the equation is not balanced.
Look at c. I see 8 Fe atoms on the left and right. Good. I see 64 S atoms on the left and 1 on the right. c CAN'T possibly be balanced. But check out d.
I see 8 Fe on left and right. I see 8 S on left and right. d must be right.
Hello:) i just need help to see is my answers are right
The current atomic model would be revised if
a. better microscope for being used to study at structure
b. better microscopes are invested in the future
c. new information about an anthem‘s structures discovered *my answer*
d. a new element was discovered in the future
which chemical equation shows that no anthems are lost during a chemical reaction ?
a. 8F+S8-> FeS
b. 8Fe+8S8-> FeS
c. Fe+8S8->FeS
d. 8Fe+S8->8FeS
my answer for this one i’m stuck between C or D
1 answer