Hello, I just caught my daughter using this cite to help her on a math Quick check. I need to know if this cite is for cheating. I do not want my kid to cheat on her Unit Test coming up.

Thank you for some of your time.

6 answers

I dont think this cite should be used for cheating, but instead to help you with your school. If she needs help when you cant help her, she can use this website. This cite is a homework helper.
No problem. Cya
I dislike this cite but I let my son use it anyway.
Good bye
I use this cite all the time. My mom is always to busy to help me.
np bye
Jiskha is so awesome
Here's the truth. I am a tutor on this site (note this is a site and not a cite). Jiskha was developed to help students with the emphasis on help. It was not designed for cheating. I have been a tutor on this site for more than 20 years. In the early days some of the tutors had the capability of removing questions in which cheating was the primary game. That way cheating was kept to a minimum but never eliminated completely. Having said all of that, the webmaster who set up this site initially, changed the format including how answers are displayed, how many are displayed, and other details. That process has led some of the tutors to drop this program from their itinerary. That includes the people who were cheater watchers. As a result, cheating, in my opinion, is rampant. Tutors are here to HELP students understand HOW to answer questions and to understand the fundamentals.
We may give a hint on a question, we may provide a Google link for an answer to a question, we may even answer a single question out of several but few will take the test for the student. Having said all of that this site has no control over students posting a set of answers to a particular test on a particular subject. That, unfortunately, is prevalent. I hope this provides you with enough information to make a decision. Good luck to you and your daughter. Bottom line: This site is VERY useful if it is used correctly. Cheaters are costing themselves and it will catch up with them down the road.
There is no problem with this site and if you son/daughter was using this site it means they need help with their school,Thank you for your time