i have to pick 3 news articles on a topic that i have chosen,and i have to write an essay to show "how these newspapers and or news magazines present representation of truth and reality designed to appeal to a particular audience.discuss, making reference to the way the news is constructed."
i am thinking about doing 3 articles on the topic"diet".because i can find a lot of news article on diet,and most of them are about which food is good for your health etc
but the problem is, i want to do an essay on a topic that have 2 different sides or ideas(opposite ideas)that i can contrast with.
so anyone have any other topic they think is good for this task?
or i can pick another task:"pick 3 newspaper articles on a topic and write an essay to sho how these newspapers present issues that position the readers to respond in a particular way.discuss how a particular view point is constructed."
most of my friends are doing this task but i don't really get this question and i think it will be even harder to find an article ro response to this.
would anyone please give me some suggestions on which task i should do and which news topic i should pick to response to it?
thank you very much!
You might think of vegetarian vs. meat diets. There is also controversy regarding carbohydrate vs no carb diets.
These websites will give you some ideas on the differences of opinion.