Hello, I am writing an essay paper and collecting information on my opinions and yours Should US government policy favor certain kinds of immigrants? Should citinzenship preference be given to the neediest applicants, and should applicants from certain countries be given priority. For the third question I do feel certain countries should be given priority, my husband says not the arabs because what all has happened with the war. Was wondering your opinion on these question, i need to give examples from other people. Thanks,
The upper link will provide boundless information. The lower one will provide opinions.
Some thoughts to get you started on your paper --
Should US government policy favor certain kinds of immigrants?
Our current policy favors three kinds of immigrants: those with families who live here, those who have desired and needed job skills, and refugees. I believe this policy is fair, and I wouldn't change it.
Should citizenship preference be given to the neediest applicants?
I don't know how to define "neediest" in this context. Citizenship is granted to immigrants who've lived here a while and pass a test on U.S. government and history plus a background check. I believe these criteria are necessary for granting citizenship.
Should applicants from certain countries be given priority?
Which countries would you choose for preferential treatment? Why?
How do you define Arab? Some definitions claim that anyone who speaks Arabic as a first language is an Arab. Other sources claim Arabs are an ethnic group. Iranians, for instance, are not Arabs by either definition. Egyptians, on the other hand, speak Arabic, but the CIA World Factbook states that most Egyptians are ethnic Egyptians. What about the Kurds who live in Iraq? They are not Arabs by either definition.
Another note -- Vietnam is one of four countries in the world with a communist government. Yet, Vietnamese immigrants are among our most valuable residents and citizens. They are bright, hard-working, and contribute much to the U.S.
Check these sites for more information.
Hello, I am writing an essay paper and collecting information on my opinions and yours Should US government policy favor certain kinds of immigrants? Should citinzenship preference be given to the neediest applicants, and should applicants from certain countries be given priority. For the third question I do feel certain countries should be given priority, my husband says not the arabs because what all has happened with the war. Was wondering your opinion on these question, i need to give examples from other people. Thanks,
help i need a list of third world countries