
I am listing gown my works cited for my MA paper and one of my sources is a Model Teaching Unit I found on the Internet. I cannot post you the link :/

So it is not a book and I do not know how to write it in my works cited

6 answers

MLA? APA? What?
MLA :)
And it is PDF
Susag, M. Dorothea wrote it
The title is

Indian education for all. Model Teaching Unit- Language Arts -
Secondary Level for Fools Crow by James Welch

Maybe you can find it online
This one?

Here is the best site I've found to help you with MLA formatting:
(Broken Link Removed)
~~Hold your cursor over CITING SOURCES (at the left) and then click on Electronic Sources/Internet.
~~Follow the directions and example for Book Published Online.

Let me know what you get, and I'll check it over for you. When you post it, you have to put <website> in place of the site's URL ... I'll know what you mean.
It is a similar page to the one you've found. I got confused on the site so I made the following:

Susag, M. Dorothea. Indian education for all. Model Teaching Unit- Language Arts-
Secondary Level for Fools Crow by James Welch. Montana: Office of public instruction, 2009. 25 July 2010.
Looks good.

In your works cited list, be sure to italicize the title of the publication and capitalize the P and I in "public instruction" -- everything else looks really good.

Be sure you bookmark that commnet.edu site so you can use it again if you need to.